Sunday 20 October 2013

Conversion formula of area of land in Bangladesh

There are many traditional land measurement units in different district in Bangladesh. To calculate area of land we need to convert from one area unit to another area unit. Suppose district Dhaka has one kind of units whereas Chittagong has the different. So, To know the all kinds of conversion with the modern units we have arranged a complete list of standard land measurement rules of Bangladesh as follows:

Calculation of area of land Bangladesh

Formula of Paki, Bigha and Decimal:

1 Paki = 1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
1 Decimal = 1 Shotangsho (Shotok/Satak) = 435.6 Sq Feet (approx)
1 Kattah (or Cottah) = 1.65 Shotangsho (approx)
1 Katha = 165 Ojutangsho (approx)
1 Shotangsho = 100 Ojutangsho
1 Katha = 720 Sq Feet (approx)
20 Katha = 1 Bigha
1 Katha = 1.65 Decimal
3 Bighas = 1 Acre approx. (1600 square yards)
4 Kora = 1 Gonda
20 Gonda = 1 Kani
80 Kora = 1 Kani
120 Decimal = 1 Kani
1 Satak = 435.6 Square feet
1 Katha = 1.65 Satak
1 Dismil = 435.6 Square Feet (Sq Ft)

Formula of Square Feet and Kani:

17280 Square Feet = 1 Kani
1619 Square Meter = 1 Kani
40000 Square Links = 1 Kani
7680 Square Hat = 1 Kani
1936 Bargogoz = 1 Kani
40 Acore = 1 Kani

Formula of 8 Hat nol :

12 Nol * 10 Nol = 120 Bargonol

Kani and Gonda as square feet:

17280 Square Feet = 1 Kani = 20 Gonda ( Measurement of 8 Hat nol )
864 Square Feet = 1 Gonda = 4 Kora
216 Square Feet = 1 Kora = 3 Kransti/Kontho
72 Square Feet = 1 Kransti = 20 Til
3.6 Square Feet = 1 Til

Click for online area converter very easy way

Formula of Square Feet and Acore:

1 Chain = 66 Feet
10 Square Chain = (66*660) or 1 Acore = 43560 Square Feet
1 Acore or 100 Shotok = 43560 Square Feet

Formula of Square Link, Acore and Shotok/Satak:

1 Chain = 100 Link, So 1 Square Chain = 100*1000 =100,000 Square Link = 1 Acore
1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 1,00,000 Square Link
1 Shotok = 1,000 Square Link
100 Link = 66 Feet

Formula of Kani and Gonda as Square Link:

1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 40,000 Square Link
1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 2000 Square Link
1 Kora Or 3 Kanti = 500 Square Link
1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 160.66 Square Link
1 Til = 8.33 Square Link

Formula of 8 Hat Nol as Square Hat:

1 Kani Or 20 Gaz/Yard = 7680 Bargo Hat
1 Gonda Ot 4 Kora = 384 Bargo Hat
1 Kora Or 3 Kanti = 96 Bargo Hat
1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 32 Bargo Hat
1 Til = 1.6 Bargo Hat

Formula of Kani and Gondar fo 8 Hat Nol as Square Feet:

1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 17280 Square Feet
1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 864 Square Feet
1 Kora Or 3 Kontho/Kranti = 216 Square Feet
1 Kontho Or 6 Donto = 72 Square Feet
1 Dondho Or 7 Dhul = 12 Square Feet
1 Dhul Or 30 Renu = 1.71 Square Feet
1 Renu = 0.057 Square Feet

Formula of Kani and Gondar as Bargo Gaz/Yard:

1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 1936 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 96.8 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 24.2 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 8.06 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Til = 0.40 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)

Formula of Kani and Gondar as Square Meter:

(40.47 * Meter * 39.67 = 1605 Square Meter)
1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 1605 Square Meter
1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 80.25 Square Meter
1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 20.06 Square Meter
1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 6.68 Square Meter
1 Til = .334 Square Meter

Formula of Acore and Shotok:

Length 10 Chain * Width 1 Chain = 10 Square Chain = 1 Acore
1 Chain = 66 Feet = 44 Hat = 22 Gaz/Yard = 20.12 Meter = 792 Inchi = 100 Link
1 Acore = 10 Square Chain
1 Acore = 100 Shotok
1 Acore = 43560 Square Feet
1 Acore = 19360 Square Hat
1 Acore = 4840 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Acore = 4047 Square Meter
1 Acore = 1,00,000 Square Link
1 Acore = 3 Bigha 8 Chotak
1 Acore = 60.5 Kattah
1 Acore = 2 Kani 10 Gonda (Accoding to 40 Shotok Kani)
1 Acore = 432.6 Square Feet
1 Acore = 1 Gonda

Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Link:

1 Chain = 100 Link
1 Square Chain = 100 * 1000 = 1,00,000 Square Link = 1 Acore
1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 1,00,000 Square Link

Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Feet:

1 Chain = 66 Feet
10 Square Chain = 66 * 66
Or 1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 43569 Square Feet
1 Shotok = 435.6 Square Feet

Formula of Kani and Gonda as Acore and Shotok:

1 Shotok = 435.6 Square Feet
1 Kani Or 40 Shotok = 435.6 * 40 = 17424 Square Feet
1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 17424 Square Feet
1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 871.2 Square Feet
1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 217.8 Square Feet
1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 72.6 Square Feet
1 Til = 3.63 Square Feet

Formula of Acore and Shotok as Borgo Hat:

1 Chain = 88 Hat
10 Square chain = 44 * 440 = 19360 Borgo Hat (1 Acre)
1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 19360 Borgo Hat
1 Shotok = 193.6 Borgo Hat
40 Shotok Or Kani = 193.6 * 40 = 7744 Square Hat

Formula of Acore and Shotok as Borgo Gaz/Yard:

1 Chain = 22 Gaz/Yard
10 Square Chain Or 1 Acre = 220 * 22 = 4840 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 4840 Square Gaz
1 Shotok = 48.40 Barogo Gaz
1 Kani Or 40 Borgo Gaz/ Square Yard = 48.40 * 40 = 1936 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)

Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Meter:

1 Chain = 2012 Meter
10 Square Chain Or 1 Acre = 201.2 * 20.12 = 4047 Square Meter
1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 4047 Square Meter
1 Shotok = 40.47 Square Meter

Formula of Bigha and Kattah:

1 Bigha = 80 Hat
1 Bigha = 80 * 80 6400 Square Hat
1 Bigha = 20 Kattah
1 Bigha = 33 Shotok
1 Bigha = 33000 Square Link
1 Bigha = 6400 Square Hat
11 Bigha = 1600 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
1 Bigha = 14400 Square Feet
1 Bigha = 1338 Square Meter
1 Bigha = 16 Gonda 2 Kora 2 Kranti

Formula of Bargohat and Bigha:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 6400 Bargohat (Square Hat)
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 320 Bargohat (Square Hat)
1 Chotak = 320 Bargohat (Square Hat)

Formula of Bigha and Kattah:

4 Kak = 1 Kora
4 Kora = 1 Gonda
16 Chotak = 1 Kattah
20 Kattah = 1 Bigha
20 Gonda = 1 Chotak
6 Bigha = 1 Gonda

Formula of Bigha, Kattah and Hat:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 80 Hat
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 4 Hat
1 Chotak or 20 Gonda = .25 Hat
1 Gonda or 4 Kora = .0125 Hat
1 Kora or 4 Kak = .0031 Hat
1 Kak = .0007 Hat

Formula of Bargolink/Square link, Bigha:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 33000 Bargolink/Square link
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 1650 Bargolink/Square link
1 Chotak = 103.125 Bargolink/Square link

Formula of Bargofut/Square Feet and Bigha:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 14,400 Bargofut/Square feet
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 720 Bargofut/Square feet
1 Chotak = 45 Bargofut/Square feet

Formula of Bargogaz/Square Yard and Bigha:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 1600 Bargogaz/Square yard
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 80 Bargogaz/Square yard
1 Chotak = 5 Bargogaz/Square yard

Formula of Bargometer/Square meter and Bigha:

1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 1338 Bargometer/Square meter
1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 66.9 Bargometer/Square meter
1 Chotak = 4.18 Bargometer/Square meter

Formula of Ayer/ayor and Hector:

1 Hector = 10,000 Bargometer/Square meter
1 Hector = 11960 Bargogaz/Square yard
1 Hector = 2.47 Acre
1 Hector = 100 Ayer
1 Ayer = 28.9 Bigha (Approx)

Formula of Bargometer/square meter, Ayer and Hector:

1 Hector or 100 Ayer = 10,000 Bargometer/Square meter
1 Ayer = 100 Bargometer/Square meter

Formula of Shotok, Ayer and Hector:

147.105 Shotok = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
247.105 Shotok = 1 Ayer

Formula of Bargohat, Ayer and Hector:

4789.528 Bargohat/Square Hat = 1 Hector
478.39528 Borgohat = 1 Ayer

Formula of Bargofut, Ayer and Hector:

107639 Bargofut/Square feet = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
1076.39 Bargofut/Square feet = 1 Ayer

Formula of Square Yard/ Bargogaz, Ayer and Hector:

11959.882 Gaz/Yard = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
119.59882 Gaz/Yard = 1 Ayer

Formula of Bigha, Kattah, Ayer and Hector:

7.47494 Bigha = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
0.0747494 Bigha = 1 Ayer

Keywords: Unit, Sutro, Shutra, Shutro, Shutra, Shutraboli, Vhumi, Vumir, Jami, Jomir, Parimap, Law, Dalil, Dolil, Ayor, Borgofut, Borgogaz Borgogaj, bd, Sotok, Akor, Shatok, Koto, Sothangso, Sotangso, Shoto, Akor, Acor, Ojut ongsho, Bangla, desima, khatha, ekor, map, acore, bhumir, means, jomi mapar rule, how to, vumi, vomi, bengali, how much, how many, kata, scale, jorip, sutro, property, www, com, soman, equal, house, gomir, foot, begha, mapar, jomar, software, download, hector, hath, akok, measure, systems, lot, calculation, chart,  bomi, bhomi, deshim, ek, jaiga, kattha, podhoti, kanun, count, process, procedure, relation, relationship, katah, related, what, ganda, ghonda, goj, gaj, ft2, hektor, = ?, jomin, ana.

Write comments
  1. What about Ojutangsho vs Shotangsho??

    1. 1 Kattah = 1.65 Shotangsho (approx)
      1 Kattah = 165 Ojutangsho (approx)

    2. jodi 17280 square feet = 1 kani = 20 gonda hoy ta hola kibaby 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet hoy ?
      jodi 1 decimal = 435.6square feet hoy tahola 1kani = 52272square feet hoy(120decimal=1kani)
      can you please explain this !

    3. Simple. 1kani= 20Gonda
      20Gonda=40 Satak or decim
      40Satak or Decim = 40*435.60 square feet= 17424 square feet
      So 1Kani= 17424 square feet(approximate)

  2. Thank you for all these land measurement conversion information. I'm amazed at all the different type and words used.

    It is so confusing and very difficult to understand. Definately there is a need for metric system, to simplify matters.

    No wonder our Moris (Clerks) had different answers to land measurement, adding to more dispute.

    The sooner we adopt a common measurement in Bangladesh across the country the better.

  3. Replies
    1. 1 Bigha = 33 Shotangsho,
      Sometimes it depends on your area.

  4. Vai Ami Anar hisab ta jante chai. jemon 1 ana theke 16 ana. khotian a jevabe hissa dewa hoy. se vabe.. Please......

    1. Specially Likha ta....orthat koto ana ki vabe likhte hoy.....

  5. খতিয়ানে অনেক সিম্বল ব্যাবহার হয় এই অংশের হিসাব বুজব কিভাবে?

  6. bottoman ain onujai babar shompottir vag vai bon er vitor kivabe bonton hoy.... ?? 1:1 or 2:1?

  7. jodi 17280 square feet = 1 kani = 20 gonda hoy ta hola kibaby 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet hoy ?
    jodi 1 decimal = 435.6square feet hoy tahola 1kani = 52272square feet hoy(120decimal=1kani)
    can you please explain this !

    1. Bhul bhal ki sob dewa... matha ghuira gese bhaiyya..

  8. jodi 17280 square feet = 1 kani = 20 gonda hoy ta hola kibaby 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet hoy ?
    jodi 1 decimal = 435.6square feet hoy tahola 1kani = 52272square feet hoy(120decimal=1kani)
    can you please explain this !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for your helpful information. Could you help more for some symbol like /

  10. I have confused about some figure like 1 acore=43200sft. Another is 43560sft

  11. 1feet=?point. can you please explain this

  12. Darun ekta proyojonio tottho, Dhonnobad.
    Wha ji wha, kia itla, aap ko bohot shukriya.
    Pa ji tusi great a.
    God bless you, what a great information thank you. Tariq

  13. in bangladesh people sometime usually say 1 dishim, is that same as decimal and also what is 1 dishim convert to square feet

  14. ভাই আপনি তো সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার, আপনার কাছে একটা রিকুয়েস্ট এটাকে Android apps বানিয়ে প্লেস্টোরে ছাড়েন। খুবি দরকারি জিনিস। Converting apps হলে অনেক সুবিধা হবে।

    1. একমত, আসলেই তাহলে খুব ভাল হত।

    2. Thanks, I will do it dear visitors.

  15. খুব ভাল উদ্যোগ, একইসাথে ওজন ও দূরত্ব এবং অন্যান্য পরিমাপ যেমন কাগজের হিসাব ইত্যাদি হলে খুব ভাল হত।

  16. Hi, thanks for the valuable information, please can you tell me what is 1 Cyar in square feet. Does the Cyar have any other names? Thanks

  17. 290 ojutangso is koto sotangso.

  18. tnx sir. its really helpful

  19. People use Kiyar to measure area in my side of Bangladesh. How many sq feet is 1 Kiyar and is it the same as an acre? Am I correct to assume 100 decimel is one Kiyar?

  20. thank you for sharing this information, my question is how much is one kedara and one phua, one jhosti, one rekh

  21. 1.91 shotok=koto hector please

  22. Excellent read, Positive site, where did u come up with the information on this posting?I have read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style. Thanks a million and please keep up the effective work.

  23. Hello, how much land is 1 kiyar?

    1. note that 1 kiyar is NOT the same as 1 acre.
      for village: 1 kiyar = 30 shotangsho (or 30 decimal)

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
