Wednesday 31 May 2017

Convert 1 Katha to Decimal using Conversion Calculator

It is appeared that Decimal, Dismil, Satak or Shotangsho are the same as calculation. So converting 1 Katha to Decimal is equal to that of Satak. How many Decimals is equal to 1 Katha? You will be also able to calculate any number of Katha to Decimal at a little effort by the changing of numbers only in the following calculator.
Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Katha = 0.01652892561983471 Acre
1 Katha = 0.6689025353264151 Ayer
1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha
1 Katha = 16 Chotak
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Decimal
1 Katha = 419.99999999895 Dhul
1 Katha = 60 Dondho
1 Katha = 0.8333333333333334 Gonda
1 Katha = 0.006689025353264152 Hectare
1 Katha = 13.333333333333334 Kak
1 Katha = 0.041666666666666664 Kani
1 Katha = 1 Katha
1 Katha = 10 Kontho
1 Katha = 3.3333333333333335 Kora
1 Katha = 9.917355371900827 Kranti
1 Katha = 165.28925619834712 Ojutangsho
1 Katha = 12600.00000063 Renu
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Gonda
1 Katha = 1.652892561983471 Shotangsho
1 Katha = 0.1652892561983471 Square Chain
1 Katha = 720 Square Feet
1 Katha = 320 Square Hat
1 Katha = 103680.06635524247 Square Inchi
1 Katha = 66.89025353264152 Square Meter
1 Katha = 80 Square Yard
1 Katha = 198.34710743801654 Til

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Convert 1 Gonda to Square Feet at Easy Way

Convert 1 Gonda = Square Feet
People may ask 1 Gonda equal to how many Square Feet ( sq ft ), so the answer is easy to say that just use the following area converter. There are many conversion method are available from the Gonda. This conversion calculator very easy to use and it have the variety of its usability such as bigha, katha, square meter and so on.
Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Gonda = 0.019834710743801654 Acre
1 Gonda = 0.8026830423916981 Ayer
1 Gonda = 0.06 Bigha
1 Gonda = 19.2 Chotak
1 Gonda = 1.9834710743801651 Decimal
1 Gonda = 503.99999999873995 Dhul
1 Gonda = 72 Dondho
1 Gonda = 1 Gonda
1 Gonda = 0.008026830423916982 Hectare
1 Gonda = 16 Kak
1 Gonda = 0.05 Kani
1 Gonda = 1.2 Katha
1 Gonda = 12 Kontho
1 Gonda = 4 Kora
1 Gonda = 11.900826446280993 Kranti
1 Gonda = 198.34710743801654 Ojutangsho
1 Gonda = 15120.000000756 Renu
1 Gonda = 1.9834710743801651 Gonda
1 Gonda = 1.9834710743801651 Shotangsho
1 Gonda = 0.19834710743801653 Square Chain
1 Gonda = 864 Square Feet
1 Gonda = 384 Square Hat
1 Gonda = 124416.07962629097 Square Inchi
1 Gonda = 80.26830423916982 Square Meter
1 Gonda = 96 Square Yard
1 Gonda = 238.01652892561984 Til

Sunday 28 May 2017

Convert 1 Decimal to Square Feet ( sq ft )

1 Decimal to Square Feet ( sq ft )
This conversion calculator is very sophisticated to get Decimal to Square Feet. It can be different in separate places. Decimal also called decimil, satak, shotok, sotok, sotangso, shotangsho etc. To convert such type of area, please use the following calculator.
Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Decimal = 0.01 Acre
1 Decimal = 0.40468603387248114 Ayer
1 Decimal = 0.030250000000000003 Bigha
1 Decimal = 9.68 Chotak
1 Decimal = 1 Decimal
1 Decimal = 254.09999999936474 Dhul
1 Decimal = 36.300000000000004 Dondho
1 Decimal = 0.5041666666666667 Gonda
1 Decimal = 0.0040468603387248114 Hectare
1 Decimal = 8.066666666666666 Kak
1 Decimal = 0.025208333333333336 Kani
1 Decimal = 0.605 Katha
1 Decimal = 6.050000000000001 Kontho
1 Decimal = 2.0166666666666666 Kora
1 Decimal = 6.000000000000001 Kranti
1 Decimal = 100.00000000000001 Ojutangsho
1 Decimal = 7623.00000038115 Renu
1 Decimal = 1 Satak
1 Decimal = 1 Shotangsho
1 Decimal = 0.1 Square Chain
1 Decimal = 435.6 Square Feet
1 Decimal = 193.60000000000002 Square Hat
1 Decimal = 62726.4401449217 Square Inchi
1 Decimal = 40.46860338724812 Square Meter
1 Decimal = 48.400000000000006 Square Yard
1 Decimal = 120.00000000000001 Til

Friday 26 May 2017

Convert 1 Satak to Square Feet ( sq ft ) easily

Convert 1 Satak = Square Feet ( sq ft ) easily
This conversion calculator is very easy to find Satak to Square Feet. This measurement may separate from place to place. Satak is a Bangla word, so the people spell it different way in English. Someone also says shotok, sotok, sotangso, shotangsho etc. I think the following list of area conversion's will meet all your asking.
Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Satak = 0.01 Acre
1 Satak = 0.40468603387248114 Ayer
1 Satak = 0.030250000000000003 Bigha
1 Satak = 9.68 Chotak
1 Satak = 1 Decimal
1 Satak = 254.09999999936474 Dhul
1 Satak = 36.300000000000004 Dondho
1 Satak = 0.5041666666666667 Gonda
1 Satak = 0.0040468603387248114 Hectare
1 Satak = 8.066666666666666 Kak
1 Satak = 0.025208333333333336 Kani
1 Satak = 0.605 Katha
1 Satak = 6.050000000000001 Kontho
1 Satak = 2.0166666666666666 Kora
1 Satak = 6.000000000000001 Kranti
1 Satak = 100.00000000000001 Ojutangsho
1 Satak = 7623.00000038115 Renu
1 Satak = 1 Satak
1 Satak = 1 Shotangsho
1 Satak = 0.1 Square Chain
1 Satak = 435.6 Square Feet
1 Satak = 193.60000000000002 Square Hat
1 Satak = 62726.4401449217 Square Inchi
1 Satak = 40.46860338724812 Square Meter
1 Satak = 48.400000000000006 Square Yard
1 Satak = 120.00000000000001 Til

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Convert 1 Bigha to Square Feet (sq ft)

Convert 1 Bigha to Square Feet (sq ft)
It doesn't matter sometimes people spell Bigha as Beegha or Biga. The following unit conversion calculator is set to default one 1 Bigha to Square Feet. You can change the number to get the result as your desire. The square feet is also called sq ft in short. The other forms of calculation is also provided for your convenience.
Others area conversion's result
To Others Unit
1 Bigha = 0.3305785123966942 Acre
1 Bigha = 13.378050706528303 Ayer
1 Bigha = 1 Bigha
1 Bigha = 320 Chotak
1 Bigha = 33.05785123966942 Decimal
1 Bigha = 8399.999999979 Dhul
1 Bigha = 1200 Dondho
1 Bigha = 16.666666666666668 Gonda
1 Bigha = 0.13378050706528302 Hectare
1 Bigha = 266.6666666666667 Kak
1 Bigha = 0.8333333333333334 Kani
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Bigha = 200 Kontho
1 Bigha = 66.66666666666667 Kora
1 Bigha = 198.34710743801654 Kranti
1 Bigha = 3305.785123966942 Ojutangsho
1 Bigha = 252000.00001259998 Renu
1 Bigha = 33.05785123966942 Shotangsho
1 Bigha = 3.3057851239669422 Square Chain
1 Bigha = 14400 Square Feet
1 Bigha = 6400 Square Hat
1 Bigha = 2073601.3271048495 Square Inchi
1 Bigha = 1337.8050706528304 Square Meter
1 Bigha = 1600 Square Yard
1 Bigha = 3966.942148760331 Til
Sometimes people spelled bigha as viga, vigha or vhiga.